Very little is known about Johannes Maria Anciuti. His artfully built
instruments show stamps which indicate Milan as their origin. Occasionally, the date which spans between 1709 - 1741 is marked on the instruments. Aside from oboes, flutes and a contrabassoon, various models of recorders were preserved. Compared to the French, German and English originals, the pitch of the Anciuti recorder is significantly higher.
My pattern for the reconstruction can be found in Dr Moeck's collection. I was fortunate to study the instruments intensively and make thorough measurements. To improve the recorder's quality, I decided to make corrections on the bore which resulted in extremely fined tuning and an easy response in the upper registers.
The elegance of sound is reminiscent of the Denner models. Even though one of the original pieces of an Anciuti sopranino recorder is being preserved at the Music Instrument Museum in Berlin, the pattern of this model was not based on its historic original.
Players with wider fingers will benefit from adjustments such as spread out boreholes. The tuning, as well as the sound and response of the sopranino recorder are perfected. Inspiration for the elegant form was found in the piece preserved in Berlin as well as in an ivory recorder built by J. M. Anciuti.